So, what is wrong with seeking the unpolluted Scriptures to return to Yahwehs original magnificent Word and testing if Pork and Sabbath/Feasts still apply? 33 THIS IS THE COVENANT I WILL MAKE WITH THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL after that time, declares the Lord. Once the building is complete, the blueprints and construction rules dont be come obsolete, but they give way to a new set of rules that govern the operating of the building. He outshines anything that ever was. I used to be a Protestant, but when I stopped reading the scriptures with my fundamentalist blinders on, I began to see that the spiritual is more real than the temporal. Each one of you needs to begin by reading the Sermon on the Mount and trying to live according to what Jesus commanded there. so we take into consideration what Paul speaks in Rom 14; I will paraphrase if there are those weak in faith do not quarrel with them. What shameful behavior. **THE BOOK OF HEBREWS needs to be read very carefully along with a few different concordances. It was the Fathers will to bruise Him. The one thing I see with any ministry is to see if what they teach is in accordance with scripture and not taken out of context. I believe Paul and all the Apostles continue to teach this in their writings. Wake up and read the Word with the TRUE discernment of the Holy Spirit!!
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. This whole discussion plus all the supporting arguments and followers of the likes of trustinJC are nothing more that another part of the HUGE end times deception. I choose the third option of translation. He mentions this: The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. (vs 10).
119 Ministries and there teachings have to be tested, either their teachings are from the Word of the Living God or they are not.
What Jesus chastised the Pharisees about doing was ADDING man made traditions that were elevated to be on par with Gods Instructions. NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. Are you interested in the truth or are you content with the lies we inherited from our fathers? There just is no room for love in the 119 teachings. Sean, what do you think? Turn to the Bread of life Himself and He will fill you with His Holy Soirit of grace!!!! I find the approach they take to be honest and truth seeking. HE DOES NOT CHANGE!!! They, like many still IN Christianity or those who left Christianity completely are angry at being lied to in various ways (notice I didnt say all ways) for most of their lives. It seems so, or maybe hes in none of these 33,000 denominations. and so on. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. And there is very little true reverence (or healthy fear) towards God nowadays. I can say from personal experience since 2007/2008 that it is absolute JOY to celebrate the Feasts of YHWH (which God never said anywhere in the Bible that they were just for the Jews but He did say they were everlasting in the literal sense in the Hebrew language.) Romans 6:14 11 For the Scripture says, Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed. 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Also, you should totally write a book, this is some really Spirit-inspired stuff! They simply teach the truth which is sadly not being taught in traditional churches. I dont have time for the pleasantries of political correctness or Cultural Marxism. I have heard them many times inform me to study it for myself . You would do well to truly study these things rather than speak about your opinions. . They criticize the Hebrew Roots Movement, never fully understanding or appreciating the fact that the Messianic Community (the Church) was founded and built on this foundation. Unfortunately we simply cannot read Genesis through Revelation and then decided to leave these parts out. Every action and teaching Jesus made/gave is rooted in the first testament not replacements of. Once we are made new creatures in the Messiah are we to continue in sin? Web119 Ministries. FIRST, 119 Ministries presents only two options related to the translation of the Greek word pleroo. Again, here is what they teach: The word fulfilled and Matthew 5:17 are either interpreted as being fulfilled in the sense of fully preaching or teaching the law of God, or fulfilling in the sense of no longer making the law of God applicable. Now if you go back to the Torah (instructions) from God YHWH Himself did tell people to love him and to love each other so wouldnt that seem odd that Jesus would suggest that loving one another was something brand new and different? Just empty words. to fall The plan is literally revealed on every page; every word has intricate purpose and meaning. There is no place in civil court for Gods people. With that said I have run into both extremes. Like my analogy of a criminal given a clean slate. Without the obedience of faith it is all meaningless it not about buying any artifact, it is not about follow the command to be reminded from a tassel about his righteousness. We are all defending what we believe to be truth *as we understand it* and to suggest that any one person or entity has it 110% correct is fallacy. Webster, was a very religious man. Using minimal staff aids our efforts to effectively deliver free quality teachings to all. Why did Yahweh give commands? Again, I have watched dozens of their videos and I never seem them preach anything that cant be proven by scripture, other than teachings they give based on their own opinions (such as their series on Time), which they clearly tell the viewer at the start of the series that it is a teaching they are still studying and proving, and that their opinions may change as their study goes on. hmmm. I have several friends entangled in it & they just want to keep believing. This Teaching has not changed through the ages, God requires us to live a certain way and to seek after his righteousness. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heartthat is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. There is no more temple Did you know Shaul (Paul) spent his own money when travelling? Like sin, once youve bought in you are miles down the road before you realize the mistakes made. This is the spiritual fulfillment of the NC as Jesus did indeed fulfill the Torah. As for the anger towards Christians it is misplaced but its part of a grieving process. That no matter what a person teaches or says? The bulk of your reply was an ad hominem attack on me. I am glad to provoke questions about Jesus! So, what is wrong with seeking the unpolluted Scriptures to return to Yahwehs original magnificent Word and testing if Pork and Sabbath/Feasts/etc. WebThere he served as Bishop Jamisons adjutant and later accepted the call of God on his life. a network of Satan-worshiping cults -Galatians 2:16, 21, Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Perhaps that ^^ is the very prayer any Believer should say before asking for guidance re Scripture. To say that Yeshua worshipped the church is to attack his nature and work at all levels. If you love the father you will desire to fulfill his will everyday. Salom. I also believe these teachings are there to provide us a way to know him even more and is the rule in which we gauge our living and is guided by the Holy Spirit. He prayed to the Father in Gethsemane when He said, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.. Keep my decrees.. [f] With that said , I am sure some believers do celebrate in their heart and it is acceptable to God but I am grieved that Christianity has become such a big business . I found many all thru scriptures, Gods speech very Descriptive! Ill take a look at the site. If the Architect is also the owner of the building, there are 3 stages. Search your spirit, you know they are right. The Holy Spirit given on Pentecost, the comforter which will teach you all things, we love God because he first loved us, we want to be obedient to his instructions (torah) because that shows God we want to do things HIS way not ours. Strangely enough, Satan wants us to believe the trinity is pagan. Hallelujah is not even a word it is compounded by two Hebrew words Hallel and Yah. 11 You may be sure that such a person has been perverted and is sinning: he stands self-condemned. And you. And what about Peter? Beginning in Genesis and culminating in Revelation, why do so many believers fail to see Yeshua is literally woven into every word of Scripture and that the Law and Prophets is the only Scripture Yeshua and the Apostles taught, preached, and practiced?
The fact is, thanks to Jesus, those who trust in Him for their salvation are grafted INTO the Commonwealth of Israel (again, see Pauls explanation in Romans 11) and as Israel, we should be following what God outlined FOR Israel. (LogOut/ Does God Curse Those Who Curse Israel Today. To think such a thing is reading INTO the text that which is not there. A deeper torah came from Messiah taking us from head knowledge to heart actions. With this in mind, we now have to examine how other people are doing this. Psalm 119 Ministries. It breaks my heart to find so many deceived. My Mom has been sucked in by this group. For my opinion about Daniel Unsealed, what I pointed out about Mark Biltz's theory applies to their theory as well. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ive seen so many changes in the last 3 decades in Christendom. WebKingdom Pioneer Missions Incorporated is a tax exempt organization located in Norwood, New Jersey. If you (or anyone else reading this) would like me to give you specific scriptural evidence of why Jesus is not God and why the New Testament is a false teaching, let me know, but I would prefer that you pick up a copy of Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Tovia Singer because typing on my iPad takes a lot of time. Is it deception by that point? Because after all we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us right? Obviously! 17 Dont think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. It is of course not fair, nor true to make blanket statements and it may not be edifying but you will never ever hear an opposing view from your own demographic . WHO died for you? In reality, the Hebrew Roots Movement, in and of itself, was prophesied by many of the Old and New Testament prophets and apostles. Followers of every religion make similar claims of amazing positive changes in their lives. The Law came 430 years AFTER the promise to Abraham; meaning there was NO LAW at the time of Abraham and it is at that position that we as believers in Christ are grafted inNOT based on lawbut by means of a promise.. Same as us repent and start fresh the next time. It is a fact that the bible was originally written in Hebrew and since then been translated by many different tongues. I do not think anything bad of Tovia and I actually think he is correct on a lot of his teachings. When Moses gave this New Covenant Deut 29/30 he prophesied this would happen again (another New Covenant) made with Israel after they will be broken into two Houses (House of Judah and House of Israel). You dont like a particular teacher or website, move on.. But together we can search the Scriptures, focusing on what they actually say and understanding the simplicity that they contain, avoiding pitfalls and incorrect doctrine given by men. Im sorry, but with all due respect, there is no comparison whatsoever between the Hebrew word Torah and the Greek word nomos. But, really, prayer has been what has helped me the most in trying to reach people who are headed down that path. Many will be offended as there was in the days Jesus was on earth in the flesh. Keep praying for your friends! Hmmmm.. YHWH is salvation / Messiah is salvation / YHWH=salvation=Jesus therefore Messiahs commands are Gods commands and vice versa. Are you also saying that the certain aspects of the Torah only applied to Israel at the time? The truth as presented by the whole word of God, Genesis-Revelation, the fallacy of needing to follow the law under the new covenant, and illogical hugeness of Gods grace. So my articles arent all that easy to read. The bible warns about misusing grace. I have looked over 119 and their teachings are presented in a logical order, use lots of scripture, they explain the definitions for a reasonable person and understand it, and who is to say they dont do it out of love? I agree with the Revolting Man that hes an infiltrator and not a brother. In later life, Luther even condemned my people, which later gave rise to the horrendous actions that preceded the Shoah and the current conflict in the Middle East: Luthers attitude toward the Jews changed over the course of his life. Pauline Christianity comes from Rome. Whose commandments? There was a whole faring community of just under 1000 people who lived that reality. My analogy of pleroo is NOT incorrect as you claim, because I made no analogy. You say its hypocritical for believers to condemn Christians for worshipping on Sunday. It smells human and not at all of the same scent of Jesus in the gospels. Some are Very subtle, but still present. Are you saying works are pointless? So if any of you are inclined to believe otherwise, then you and I are definitely serving a different god. Perhaps that is why Paul said to run the race to win? He NEVER teaches husbands to submit to their wives, though he is clear, love your wife as Messiah loved the ekklesia. Paul, further, teaches that elders and ekklesia leaders are to be men (husbands) and that women are not to teach or even speak in the assembly. If, like many Christians believe, Rav Shaual had written against the Torah or any other part of the Holy Scriptures, then that would have made him a pathological liar and a false prophet. If thats not division, then I dont know what is. Hi John, Im glad youre no longer on crack, that you have a good wife that loves you and that youre off the street, but does this mean you should praise Jesus? And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. There are a few Scriptures Im still asking Him to explain to me. The fallback should ALWAYS be to trust the words of Jesus above ANY disciples writings. 20 Now a mediator is not for one party only; whereas God is only one. I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. Once again, the author pf Hebrews contrasts the holy and appointed tasks of the Aaronic priest with that of Jesus, a priest after the manner of Melchizedek. Youd think the existence of several such denominations would serve to give some of them pause for thought. As with other Hebrew Roots groups, many Christians consider 119 ministries a cult. LOL Remember the scripture where Yah says people steal from HIM? I think 119 ministries is good for wealthy americans but so is every other denomination. They teach Bible prophecy including the four blood moons theory in their Daniel Unsealed video. Loving God and loving our neighbour are the two that all the others hang from (implied attachment there not separation) and those are the two overriding factors in our living out Gods instructions on a) how He wants to be shown love, and b) how He wants us to show love to our neighbour.) This argument has nothing really to do with (Shamar) keeping the Sabbath. Brandon replied that, indeed, under the existence of the Temple and the judicial system, he would stone David for blasphemy. If the heart of the sinner was to be cleansed, something that would be required for the establishment of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:34), then One greater than Aaron would be needed (9:9, 14). (examples: deception of Eve, attempted deception of Messiah) I believe 119 ministries to teach using accurate breakdown/interpretation of scripture. My wife and I are pastors of a Messianic congregation and I wear my kippah and she wears her head scarf during our meetings. Id also like to use some of your material here in a student chapel Im doing at my school (a very nice Christian school, might I add) and was wondering if I have your permission. In fact, while various Jewish denominations are limited to a handful, there are over 40,000 Christian denominations in the world today. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. Get the book from the interview here or read all about it here.
Although the Torah was given at Sinai, it was given so it could be written down. God is not fair ..He is merciful . It is absolutely about salvation for I am afraid where this will lead of secular Israel and the rebuilding of the temple and animal sacrifices rebuilding what was destroyed and replaced ..forsaking the substance for the shadow and calling it sanctification . So now that I have a like-minded brother in Christ, I am truly interested to know how you reconcile the teachings of 119 Ministries (as I understand them presented above) to your stated beliefs in your earlier reply. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. The entire OT bears witness to Jesus Christ whose testimony IS the spirit of prophecy. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion. 119 desires others to focus more on what is being said and testing it to the Word, versus the source.
Bear a false testimony against your neighbor? So what does that mean? 10 (9) Rather, you must kill him! Then there are celebrations that are 100% completely Jewish in origin and have nothing to do with appointments of God, however, this does not mean we cannot find God in them. This is to accuse Yeshua of idolatry. This does not mean one is to go out and willfully sin because they have grace! I truly hope you test biblically what they claim. Using the ancient Hebrew mindset of my ancestors, Leah, it is clear as a bell that Kefa is talking about people who have no real knowledge of the Scriptures, or their unstable minds distort what theyve read to their own destruction. All of Judaism and Christendom are historically patriarchal. I simply used the definitions for pleroo that are provided by Strongs Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words. I bet you believe the laws are not for us either??? The Word Nephilim = to fall, lie, be cast down, fail One must trudge through the entire teaching to see several points of deception. So why would God be accepting of a people who profess Jesus with their lips and then deny Him (Jesus/God) by how they live? When those of the same mindset as I are moved beyond the salvation and concerned with our works only when coupled with faith. 10:19. So 119 Ministries is following the commandments, as do other branches within the Hebrew Roots movement. Was she in submission to us? Its something the Holy Spirit can discern & instruct per believer. I did not. Leah, with respect to the word new used in that a new commandment I give you portion in the Greek it is kainos which means renewed (like the new moon each month isnt really a new different moon.) It seems to me that the groups most opposed to this ministry are the ones that remind me of the Pharisees, afraid of losing control, placing a lot of man made rules and the tradition of elders on people. As in the rest of the entire New Testament, there is NO direct teaching of old covenant keeping here. Many Christians, who are utterly ignorant about my people or my culture, seem to enjoy jumping to unfounded or unsupported conclusions regarding the contents of the New Testament. Alas, they are too wrapped up in tickling ears and keeping traditions and arguing over which denomination or belief patterns got it right and trying to keep the masses happy. What?!?!?!?! Im almost a senior. ( Romans 8:1-3) 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!
32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, Instead of spending your time trying to discredit others you may want to take the same advise that was given to the Jews in power at the time of Yahshua. Then there is another Covenant issued by Moses on behalf of the Father. Many are called, few are chosen. I believe this interpretation to be correct and supported by the very subject of the scripture in question. I have a nephew wrapped up with "Psalm 119 Ministries," which is a cult, following the Torah and observing the Sabbath on Saturday and "obeying" other practices and commands of Moses. Yeshua states He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Fathers who sent Me., Now turn to James 1:21-25 to see another clear passage on not continuing in sin AND obeying, Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. While the ones that have the law (Jews) keep the law but not in faith. I hope I at least give some things to consider, I know this is brief and I entire position is not in the spirit of I am right you are wrong. 7 (6) If your brother the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or your wife whom you love, or your friend who means as much to you as yourself, secretly tries to entice you to go and serve other gods, which you havent known, neither you nor your ancestors 8 (7) gods of the peoples surrounding you, whether near or far away from you, anywhere in the world 9 (8) you are not to consent, and you are not to listen to him; and you must not pity him or spare him; and you may not conceal him. Further on in the timeline of Matt. We are indwelled by the Spirit in order to follow God. On their Facebook page, they publish photos or paintings that have messages on them and most of them are devoid of love and have a sarcastic edge to them. No one is asking you to keep the Lords commandments and laws without the blood of the lamb. Ps depending on the particular situation, Christ thru me expels or can take control of demons inside others either in public or private. [g] 29 Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the covenant[h] which made him holy; and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of Gods grace! He did it for His reasons. but be careful of the knowledge which puffs up our enemy is fine with knowledge , particularly if it makes you think you are special ..Christ is special we are redeemed . Is Christ divided? However, once you see the very truth that can set you free, absolutely choose itonly hold on, because you are in for the ride of a lifetime, literally! Former Catholics angry that they actually did not have to do the sacraments to be saved completely. I have FAITH that Ego Eimi (I AM) is completely in control!!! Well we did this and ran into protestants who said we were going to hell because we were going back under the law. Leviticus 19:32, Wisdom is with theaged,And withlong lifecomesunderstanding. If Christianity is the way, why are over 2/3 of believers walking away from God and why is divorce and disease in Church on par with the world? How come we see in the prophets where they speak about the new millennium and how there will still be daily sacrifices (BTW the sin sacrifice was completed by the Messiah but the others remain). Remember, the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) moved upon the face of the waters (KJV).