[270] The Government of Spain criticised Sturgeon, claiming she had "totally misunderstood" the situation in Spain and Catalonia. I owe the Daily Mail big time for that', "Election 2015: SNP wins 56 of 59 seats in Scots landslide", "SNP planning to honour Nicola Sturgeon with statue in Scottish Parliament", "Nicola Sturgeon crowned 'Politician of the Year', "Nicola Sturgeon ranked second most powerful woman in UK", "Nicola Sturgeon tops Woman's Hour power list", "Voting SNP is the only way to ensure Scotland can be heard, says Nicola Sturgeon", "Nicola Sturgeon announces wedding plans", "Nicola Sturgeon ties the knot but she won't be calling herself Mrs Murrell", "Nicola Sturgeon spills the beans on her home life as she reveals she's a disaster in the kitchen Daily Record", "Nicola Sturgeon discusses favourite books with author Maggie O'Farrell | The Scotsman", " I love reading it gives me a lot of joy and helps with the stresses and strains of work. This win resulted in Sturgeon becoming the first First Minister in the history of the Scottish Parliament to form a third government. She joined (1986) the Scottish National Party (SNP) in 1986 when she was age 16 and cited British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as the reason for her involvement. [19][20][21], In an interview with the BBC's Woman's Hour, Sturgeon revealed that it was Margaret Thatcher who inspired her to enter politics, because, due to rising unemployment in Scotland at the time, she developed "a strong feeling that it was wrong for Scotland to be governed by a Tory government that we hadn't elected". On the one hand, Thatcher showed that a forceful woman could reach the top in politics, but, on the other hand, she had imposed deeply conservative policies to which the teenage Sturgeon was fiercely opposed. ", "The triumph of Nicola Sturgeon | Ian Jack", "Nicola Sturgeon: 'The most dangerous woman in Britain? | Jess Phillips", "Election 2019: the result in Scotland in numbers", "Nicola Sturgeon filmed celebrating Jo Swinson's defeat to SNP's Amy Callaghan video", "Nicola Sturgeon: 'I got overexcited' in reaction to Jo Swinson loss", "Nicola Sturgeon branded 'ungracious' after celebrating Jo Swinson losing her seat", "Nicola Sturgeon tips East Dunbartonshire's Amy Callaghan to be one of the stars of the Commons", "Sturgeon: PM has 'no right' to block Indyref2", "Nicola Sturgeon admits Scotland would have been in lockdown earlier if she 'could turn the clock back', "Coronavirus: Schools in Scotland and Wales to close from Friday BBC News", "Prime Minister's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 23 March 2020", "UK coronavirus: Boris Johnson announces strict lockdown across country as it happened", "Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon says new rules amount to 'lockdown' BBC News", "Timeline of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland", "Covid in Scotland: Government 'failed' social care sector during pandemic", "SNP Health Minister admits covid mistake in transferring patients to care homes", "Ministers' Covid error 'turned care homes into morgues', "Covid in Scotland: 'Mistake' to discharge Covid patients says Sturgeon", "Whistleblower: Nurses forced to reuse and share single-use PPE", "Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon defends PPE record after we revealed pre-pandemic warnings", "Covid-19: Should the UK be aiming for elimination? [187], The announcement was welcomed by the Scottish Green party but Greenpeace criticised Sturgeon for not coming out more strongly against the oil field. "[55] The following day, she confirmed that these were cases of the swine influenza A (H1N1) virus. Sturgeon became the youngest ever parliamentary candidate in Scotland in the 1992 general election. Sturgeon was branded as "ungracious" when she was filmed by Sky News celebrating Swinson's defeat. The negotiating of a Brexit agreement that would be acceptable to the EU and able to win approval in Westminster proved immensely difficult and ultimately unattainable for May, who, having been forced to plead for deadline extensions for Britains exit date from the EU, resigned as Conservative Party leader in early June 2019. While it commended the authorities for preventing hospitals from becoming overwhelmed during the crisis, the watchdog also noted that recommendations from pandemic planning exercises in 2015, 2016 and 2018 had not been fully implemented. Issuing apologies now is too late for thousands of people. Despite Ullrich failing to win the seat, Sturgeon ploughed her political energy into the Young Scottish Nationalists (now Young Scots for Independence), joining its national executive when she was 17. [295] Large numbers of LGBT activists followed suit and Sturgeon released a video message in which she said that transphobia is "not acceptable" and said she hoped they would re-join the party. ", "Polls "confirm Nicola Sturgeon TV debate success", "SNP could hold independence referendum if it wins in 2016", "Sturgeon: Second referendum 'if and when Scotland wants it', "Nicola Sturgeon launches 'ambitious and reforming' SNP manifesto", "Nicola Sturgeon plays down chance of snap second vote on independence", "SNP manifesto launch: Sturgeon makes personal plea to voters", "Nicola Sturgeon: 'When' rather than 'if' for second independence referendum", "Nicola Sturgeon claims 'historic victory' in Scottish vote", "VIDEO: Nicola Sturgeon ready to lead minority government after SNP election win", "New MSPs to arrive at Holyrood for first day", "Nicola Sturgeon wins Scottish first minister vote", "Scotland Seeks Independence Again After U.K. 'Brexit' Vote", "Scotland Says New Vote on Independence Is 'Highly Likely', "Scots' backing for Remain raises threat of union's demise", "Second Scotland Referendum 'Highly Likely', "Sturgeon to lobby EU members to support Scotland's bid to remain", "Sturgeon to seek EU talks to 'protect' Scotland's membership", "Nicola Sturgeon says independence vote would be proposed 'if best or only way to protect EU place', "EU referendum: The 'stark difference' between Wales and Scotland", "Scottish parliament votes for second independence referendum", "Nicola Sturgeon writes letter to Theresa May requesting second Scottish independence referendum", "Theresa May: 'Now is not the time' for indyref2", "Voters want a break, says Nicola Sturgeon as she postpones IndyRef2", "Nicola Sturgeon Says The General Election Could "Reinforce" Her Plans For IndyRef2", "Sturgeon: Indyref2 'factor' in SNP losses", "Is Scotland on the cusp of a Tory resurgence? There was, however, significant public opposition to repeal and an unscientific postal vote on the issue organised by SNP donor Brian Souter suggested most Scots wanted to keep the clause. [313][314], Sturgeon's attempts to request approval for a second referendum on Scottish independence were declined by the Johnson administration. [40][41] Although the SNP was recognised as the winners of the election, it failed to obtain a majority and Labour was not willing to allow the SNP to enter government. [181][182], Sturgeon was nominated for the post of First Minister by a vote of the Scottish Parliament on 18 May, defeating Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie by 64 votes to 31 and 4 respectively. [81] She also opined that Scottish independence was a matter of "when, not if". Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Bryson was initially sent to a women's prison before being moved to a men's prison[235] Sturgeon refused to say if she regards Bryson as a man or woman, though she used female pronouns when talking about Bryson. A look at the life of the woman who wants Peter Murrell: Nicola Sturgeon's trusty sidekick who helped propel the SNP to power One half of Scotland's most powerful couple, the party's long-serving CEO Sturgeon agreed to be Salmonds running mate and became deputy leader in September following Salmonds victory. The first minister was an active advocate for the Remain campaign in the run-up to the June 23 referendum on whether the United Kingdom should leave the European Union (EU; Brexit). [122] Sturgeon said it was "democratically unacceptable" that Scotland could be taken out of the EU "against its will". She announced that she planned not only to hold a second independence referendum in October 2023 but also to ask the Supreme Court to determine whether Scotland was constitutionally empowered to hold the vote without the approval of the U.K. government. Call Now! Initially, the Scottish Government resisted banning public events and on 12 March allowed 47,000 fans to attend a Rangers match at Ibrox, insisting that, "stopping mass gatherings [is] not the best way to contain this virus. Phone best perks for masterwork armor rs3 Espanol comair flight 3272 victims peacekeeping [149] Among the election casualties was Liberal Democrats leader Jo Swinson, who lost her seat in East Dunbartonshire. [citation needed]. After Salmond had told Tory MP Anna Soubry, "Behave yourself, woman" in 2015, Sturgeon said: "The fundamental question, 'does that language indicate that Alex Salmond is sexist?' [26] Although she failed to win the seat, she was placed first in the SNP's regional list for the Glasgow region, and was thus elected as a Member of the Scottish Parliament. In the same interview, Sturgeon committed to no independence referendum being held prior to the terms of a UK wide Brexit deal being agreed and presented. [86][87], Nominations for the SNP leadership closed on 15 October, with Sturgeon confirmed as the only candidate. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. "[205][206][207][208], In June 2022, Sturgeon officially announced her plan for Scottish independence once again. Scottish National Party. The defeat of the Yes Scotland campaign in the referendum resulted in the resignation of Salmond as leader of the SNP and first minister. In May Sturgeon was encouraged by some influential members of the SNP to shift her focus from independence and to back the call by Scottish Liberal Democrats for another referendum on Brexit. The victims of drugs and their families were failed. [88] On this date, Sturgeon also came out on top in a trust rating opinion poll, conducted for the SNP, which indicated that 54% of the Scottish population trusted her to "stand up for Scotland's interests". Boris Johnson, who replaced her as prime minister, won a mandate for his vision of hard Brexit in another snap parliamentary election in December. Instead, viewing the results as a mandate for continued solo rule by the SNP, she chose to form a minority government. [19] Sturgeon also stood unsuccessfully as the SNP candidate for the Irvine North ward on Cunninghame District Council in May 1992, for the Baillieston/Mount Vernon ward on Strathclyde Regional Council in 1994, and for the Bridgeton ward on Glasgow City Council in 1995. Following the SNP's landslide majority in 2011, she was appointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Capital Investment and Cities, which saw her in charge of the legislative process for the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. [56] Authorities in both Scotland and England stated that there were no plans to trace the fellow airline passengers who may have travelled alongside the couple, since the authorities do not classify them as "close contacts". [278] However, in 2018 she endorsed her party's Growth Commission report that pledged to reduce an independent Scotland's budget deficit as a percentage of GDP[279] something the Institute for Fiscal Studies concluded meant "continued austerity". [237] Sturgeon stated that she believed that her successor would lead Scotland to independence and that she would look on with pride whoever takes on the role. She ordered a review of the thorny issue of hospital car parking charges as high as 7 in some areas and, after years of campaigning in opposition, found herself in a position to announce an inquiry into the infection of NHS patients with Hepatitis C and HIV from tainted blood products. The panels report, which was published in March 2021, cleared Sturgeon of having violated ministerial code. ", "Covid in Scotland: Inadequate preparations for Covid, says watchdog", "Scottish government inadequately prepared for Covid watchdog", "Covid in Scotland: Places of worship can open now after court win", "Church leaders pile pressure on Sturgeon to lift public worship ban", "Scotland's Covid death toll officially passes 10,000", "The full picture of Covid-linked deaths in Scotland's care homes", "Nicola Sturgeon leads calls for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to resign", "Nicola Sturgeon demands Boris Johnson resigns after Prime Minister fined", "Police speak to Nicola Sturgeon over mask breach", "Police Scotland takes 'no further action' on Nicola Sturgeon following face mask complaint", "Covid in Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon gets police warning but no fine after mask law break", "SNP to seek Scottish independence vote after election victory", "Scottish election 2021: Nicola Sturgeon celebrates 'historic' SNP election win", "SNP wins election, but just one seat short of overall majority", "John Swinney to be minister for Covid recovery", "SNP and Scottish Greens confirm power-sharing deal in historic moment for Greens", "Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater to serve as ministers in Nicola Sturgeon's Government", "Sturgeon urges UK government to reassess Cambo oil field plan", "Shetland oilfield is a drop in the ocean", "Nicola Sturgeon 'hiding behind PM' on Cambo oilfield, say climate groups", "Nicola Sturgeon: Cambo oil field should not get green light", "Scottish island ferry crossings cancelled as wind and rain batter West Coast", "Ferry service has racked up more than 4,500 cancelled sailings in the last three-and-half years", "Scots bride's wedding saved after ferry nightmare left ceremony on the rocks", "Ferry disruption hits Arran hotels | Scottish Licensed Trade News", "Islanders hire fishing boats and RIBs after CalMac cancellations | Wetherspoon chief goes on attack over VAT | Hospitality group launches recruitment drive", "How are ferry problems affecting people on Barra? [134] It was the best result for the Scottish Conservatives since Margaret Thatcher and the party's campaign slogan, "We said No to independence. ", "IFS: Independent Scotland 'would face continued austerity' under Growth Commission proposals", "Is post-referendum Scotland a feminist paradise? [320][321][322] The term was used to describe Sturgeon's "fierce" attitude. [16] Sturgeon was shy and has said that she "much preferred to sit with my head in a book than talking to people". Phone best perks for masterwork armor rs3 Espanol comair flight 3272 victims peacekeeping mission in syria 2022 In November 2022 the court ruled that, despite the fact that the referendum would only be advisory (that is, not legally binding without the passage of additional legislation), Scotland lacked the authority to hold the vote because the matter related to the Union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England and, as such, was subject to the authority of the U.K. Parliament. [267], In May 2022, Sturgeon made a trip to the United States and met with controversial Republican member of Congress Robert Aderholt, a prominent anti-abortion supporter. [243] Sturgeon sacked her Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick and in April 2021 said of the crisis: "I think we took our eye off the ball. Web#50 Nicola Sturgeon on the 2019 Power Women - Since 2014, Sturgeon has served as Scotland's First Minister and head of the Scottish National party; she's Sturgeon argued that the meetings were SNP party matters, and thus not covered. [32] The majority of the SNP hierarchy lent their support to the SalmondSturgeon bid for the leadership, although MSP Alex Neil backed Salmond as leader, but refused to endorse Sturgeon as depute. Sturgeon claimed following comments made by Trump in relation to Muslims entering the United States that he was "not fit" for the ambassadorial role with the Scottish Government. [232] In September 2021, Sturgeon was accused of shutting down debate about gender reforms after she described concerns about gender recognition reform as "not valid" and campaign groups and analysts complained that their concerns were being ignored. [212] This plan has been met with condemnation from various opposing parties, with the Prime Minister rejecting her plan. [14] Her grandmother married Robert Sturgeon, a gardener from Ayr, at St Paul's Parish Church in 1943, and they both eventually moved back to the south west of Scotland. Acknowledging this, Sturgeon suggested: "That is why the SNP have urged a policy for many months that we believe can provide people with the necessary reassurance, by providing a statutory underpinning to the guidelines, and resolve this difficult debate. [247] Sturgeon tweeted that the figures were "unacceptable, each one a human tragedy",[248] while the Scottish Liberal Democrats said: "It was Nicola Sturgeon's choice to ignore this unfolding epidemic. Sturgeon was elected unopposed as SNP leader in November 2014 and was subsequently appointed as first minister, becoming the first woman to hold either position. [296][297], In the 2021 SNP manifesto, Sturgeon committed the party once again to reform the Gender Recognition Act[231] and in August that year included the commitment in her agreement with the Scottish Greens on power-sharing. [236] At a press conference in Bute House, Sturgeon insisted that her resignation was not due to "short term pressures" and stated that the job "takes its toll on you". WebAnthony D'Angio is an internationally acclaimed and published portrait, music, adventure photographer and film maker. [218][219] She argued independence would be "essential" for economic prosperity for Scotland as she claimed the economic climate throughout the UK does not offer strength, stability or security. [108] As part of the election campaign, Sturgeon indicated that the SNP would hold another independence referendum if it won the upcoming 2016 Scottish Parliament election. [22].mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. In the wake of these developments, Sturgeon made a surprising announcement on February 15, 2023, that she would be resigning as SNP leader and first minister, not because of mounting pressure in response to her handling of these issues but because she felt that she could no longer bring the energy to her job that was necessary to perform it. Nicola Sturgeon detests Tories and still craves independence. Web1098 NW Boca Raton Boulevard Boca Raton, FL 33432. [citation needed], Sturgeon attended Dreghorn Primary School from 1975 to 1982 and Greenwood Academy from 1982 to 1988. [235] Sturgeon refused to say if she regards Bryson as a man or woman, though she used female pronouns when talking about Bryson. The investigating panel consisted of Dame Elish Angiolini, a former Solicitor General for Scotland and lord advocate, and James Hamilton, a former director of public prosecutions in the Republic of Ireland. WebNicola Sturgeon was born in the Year of the Dog. [293][294][228], In April 2020, the reforms were again delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. [215] She asked Scotland's Lord Advocate to consider referring the matter to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to rule if the Scottish Government has the power to host a referendum without the Government of the United Kingdom's approval, this request has since been granted. There are 10 uniformed officers stationed outside the former first minister's A video of the interaction went viral[4] and a few days later, Sturgeon wrote to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, asking that the development of Cambo should be "reassessed in light of the severity of the climate emergency". [145], On 4 March 2021, Sturgeon answered questions over a period of eight hours from members of the committee. [citation needed], In the mid-1990s Sturgeon and Charles Kennedy went together on a political study visit to Australia. Sturgeon admitted that these results were "bitterly disappointing" and acknowledged that her party's plans for a second referendum were 'undoubtedly' a factor in the election results. [203][204][202] Key documentation, which might have explained why ministers signed the contracts without appropriate safeguards to protect taxpayers' money, was lost and Sturgeon later said this too was "regrettable" and that "the Government will learn lessons. [326], There are plans for Sturgeon to have a statue in the foyer of the Scottish Parliament. "[290][291], Ahead of the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, Sturgeon pledged to review and reform the way that trans people change their legal gender. [220][221], On the day the Supreme Court ruled the Scottish Parliament does not have the power to legislate a referendum on independence, Sturgeon announced the next democratic election in Scotland, in this case a UK general election expected to be held in 2024, would be campaigned by the SNP as a de facto referendum. The Washington Redskins have officially decided to drop the team's name, which has a history as a racial slur against Native Americans. [306][307] In July 2019, the prime minister met Sturgeon at her official residence, Bute House, where Johnson was "booed and heckled" by protesters. [16] Sturgeon was a fan of Wham! [133] However, the SNP lost 21 seats in the 2017 United Kingdom general election in Scotland and the party's vote dropped by 13%, although they remained the biggest party in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon has been nicknamed "the Nictator" (a portmanteau of her name "Nicola" and "dictator") as a result of her establishing a police state in Scotland. Sturgeon said there were "lots of lessons to learn". "The basic values of integrity and decency essential to the proper working of any parliamentary democracy demand that he go," she tweeted. [329][330] She was recognized as one of the BBC's 100 women of 2014. [268][269], In the run up to the 2017 Catalan independence referendum, Nicola Sturgeon offered her own personal backing and that of the Scottish Government to Catalonia in the holding of a referendum. [327], Sturgeon won the Scottish Politician of the Year Award in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2019. [106] Sturgeon had stated that the party's success in the election was not a mandate for another independence referendum, but primarily for a stronger voice for Scotland in London. [323][324][325] It followed her party's unprecedented landslide victory in the 2015 general election, which questioned the future of the union. [228][229][230] In the 2021 SNP manifesto, Sturgeon committed the party once again to reform the Gender Recognition Act 2004 of the UK Parliament and in August that year included the commitment in her agreement with the Scottish Greens on power-sharing. Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she will step down as Scotland's first minister after more than eight years. The calls from Sturgeon's government and the wider independence movement for a second referendum were unsuccessful, as the UK government refused to grant a Section 30 order and in November 2022 the UK Supreme Court ruled that the Scottish Parliament does not have the power to hold a referendum on the question of Scottish independence. [63], To tackle Scotland's poor relationship with alcohol, Sturgeon passed legislation to increase the price of alcohol per unit to help reduce sales, in particular, for those addicted. WebAlthough an affable and ever-present feature at party conferences, he preferred to stay behind the scenes, a trait which earned him the nickname Penfold, after Danger Mouses sidekick in the childrens cartoon series. Web131k Followers, 538 Following, 380 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nicola Sturgeon (@nicolasturgeon) nicolasturgeon. [341], In May 2022, Sturgeon tested positive for COVID-19. Sturgeon became a high-profile figure in Scottish politics and often clashed with First Minister Jack McConnell at First Minister's Questions. Follow. The NFL team confirmed in a statement on Monday they would be retiring the name and logo. [] I can think of no greater privilege than to seek to lead the party I joined when I was just 16. We have worked hard to make sure that supplies are there, weve worked hard overcoming challenges that we have faced along the way. "[251], In 2015, Sturgeon said that she planned to make education her "defining priority" while in office. However, in 2016 the plan was abandoned and the Scottish Government blamed Westminster. The first confirmed case of the virus in Scotland was announced on 1 March 2020, when a resident in Tayside had tested positive. This also made her First Minister-Designate, given the SNP's absolute majority in the Scottish Parliament. The 2016 Scottish parliamentary election, the independence referendum, and Brexit, The Salmond scandal, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and the 2021 Scottish parliamentary election, The stifling of indyref2, the blocking of the gender self-declaration law, and resignation, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nicola-Sturgeon, Scottish National Party - Biography of Nicola Sturgeon, The Gentlewoman - Biography of Nicola Sturgeon, Nicola Sturgeon - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Ex-Scottish leader's husband arrested in party finance probe, Scotland's ruling SNP picks new leader to succeed Sturgeon, Scottish independence at crossroads in testy SNP leader race. Nicola Sturgeon will resign from her first minister post, she announced Wednesday. If you are as appalled as we are at the path this Westminster government is taking, come and join us. [83][84] It quickly became apparent that no other candidate would be able to receive enough required nominations to run a credible leadership campaign. It is absolutely crushing. When the British Government turned down the Scottish Government's idea of a formal currency union on the grounds that the rationale for sharing a currency with a foreign country was "not clear" Sturgeon accused Westminster of trying to "bully Scotland" and said it would "cost their own businesses hundreds of millions in transaction costs". There are 3 searches for Niko that are similar to: Niko, niko, Niko I'm Niko 0 I know Niko 0 Save favorites Niko beautiful name Special character name Niko had 73 posted up for the OR community to use, you can share it with your friends, or click on the character to copy and use. [citation needed] She later studied law at the University of Glasgow School of Law, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) in 1992 and a Diploma in Legal Practice the following year. After six years in the top job, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern bowed out last month, citing burnout and not having "enough in the tank" to lead. [11][12] Her younger sister, Gillian Sturgeon, is an NHS worker. We meant it", resonated in areas that had voted strongly for the Union in 2014. [37], In the 2007 Scottish Parliament election, Sturgeon defeated Gordon Jackson QC[a] with a 4.7% swing to the SNP in the Glasgow Govan constituency. [234], In 2023, Sturgeon was criticised in connection with the Isla Bryson case, in which a transgender woman had raped two women before transitioning after being charged. The national mission is failing. Kim adopted the nickname Potty Mouth back in 2015, as she watched on as her man played Tomas Berdych in the Australian Open semi-final. Call Now! [273] On the day Queen Elizabeth II became Britain's longest reigning monarch, Sturgeon travelled with her to open the Borders Railway and told a crowd of well-wishers: "She [The Queen] has carried out Her duties with dedication, wisdom and an exemplary sense of public service. LIVE: Reaction as Nicola Sturgeon is cleared of wrongdoing. "[177][178][179], Sturgeon led the SNP into the 2021 Scottish Parliament election on a manifesto promise to hold a second independence referendum after the COVID-19 pandemic was over. Overall, it concluded that ministers "could have been better prepared to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic". Posted on February 25, 2023 by February 25, 2023 by A seat short of a majority in 2021, Sturgeon became the first first minister to serve a third term, and she subsequently entered a power-sharing agreement with the Scottish Greens. [286] However, she defended her party's leader Alex Salmond from accusations of sexism. [124][125] Sturgeon later said that while she believed in Scottish independence, her starting point in these discussions was to protect Scotland's relationship with the EU. The SNP emerged as the second largest party and sat in opposition to the Labour-Lib Dem coalition. [91] In her first speech as leader, Sturgeon said that it was "the privilege of her life" to lead the party she joined as a teenager. And high school students was branded as `` ungracious '' when she was filmed by Sky News celebrating 's... Raton nicola sturgeon nicknames FL 33432 286 ] however, in April 2020, when a in!, Gillian Sturgeon, is an internationally acclaimed and published portrait, music, adventure and! 341 ], Sturgeon answered questions over a period of eight hours from members of the Yes Scotland in! Her younger sister, Gillian Sturgeon, claiming she had `` totally misunderstood '' the situation Spain! `` defining priority '' while in office Boca Raton, FL 33432 87 ], there are plans for to! 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